Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ski Day!

We had an exciting day up at Alta Ski Resort last Saturday. My grandpa Jack, who was well known for his skiing abilities, passed away January 2008. On Saturday my dad and aunt Judy hosted the 1st Annual Memorial Ski Day at his favorite resort, Alta. Family flew in from out of state to ski and then enjoy dinner at my parents home. If there is one thing I remember most about Grandpa Jack, it was his skiing. He has skied his entire life. He was even skiing into his late 80's and early 90's. I had the opportunity to ski with him on the last day he skied (dr's orders) back in 2005. He was into ski jumping, racing, and when the 2002 Winter Olympics were here Sports Illustrated did a story on him. Also, when I was going to the "U" I had a film class and the teacher was doing a movie on Alf Engan (the guy who founded Alta) and he was telling us how he wanted to get in touch with old time skiers who had skied at Alta. He mentioned one day he was wanting to get in contact with Jack Walker - and I was like "hey that's my grandpa". So he was in a movie too!! It was so great to get everyone together to remember him for what he loved most. We decided to take Walker skiing for the first time, on Jake's back of course. (next year we will try the real thing). I didn't ski because I wasn't sure how Walker would do on the hill, so I waited in the lodge with my Mom, sisters and brother-in-law. Jake is a great skier, so he took Walker up to Supreme in a backpack. The day was cold, lite snow and a bit windy. Plus, Walker HATES wearing hats and gloves. So I was nervous he was going to get cold. The chairlift ride up Walker didn't like much, the wind was right in his face. But the ride down he kept saying "wee, wee." I was excited that he liked it.
In the end - he liked it. He just went once and then we played in the snow for a bit and walked around the Lodge while the others skied a few more runs. We had lunch and then Walker was ready for a nap. Overall, the whole family enjoyed the day of skiing and and it was great to remember my Grandpa. The dinner at my parents was great and it was really fun to see cousins we don't get to see everyday.Thanks Dad and Judy for putting this together - See ya next year!!
Jake and Walker. Walker couldn't wait to get that hat off.
Walker and I hanging out in the lodge. So cute in his bibs!
We will miss you Grandpa!


Alder Family said...

What a fun ski day! Walker looks so cute on Jake's back.

The Royal Family said...

What a fun neat idea. Walker is dang cute all up on Jakes back. Glad he liked it.. looks cold. HA HA HA

Amy Bouck said...

Oh my gosh Teylor!! It has been so long since high school. I stumbled on your blog and you have such a cute family! Your little boy is SO dang cute!!! You haven't changed a bit, still as beautiful as ever. Hope all is well you and your family. If you want to view our blog, you can go to Later, Amy