So here is a little update on Walker
He is now 2 - and loves to throw tantroms! Sometimes I just have to sit back and laugh at him when he is so mad. His train will fall off the track and instead of picking it up and putting it back on he throws the train, throws his hands down and starts crying. It's really lovely!!
He loves popscicles - or as he calls them popcoles. If I let him he would eat one box in a day! Usually he makes me and Jake eat one and we have to be sitting on the porch.
He will only call Jake, Jake. Sometimes we get a "daddy" but most of the time it's "Jake"
When he wakes up from naps he yells from his crib "Mom, I wanna get out"
He loves helping me with the laundry. He loves to put the wet clothes in the dryer and carry up the fresh clean clothes. He hasn't mastered folding yet. He thinks he has...he gets a piece of clothing and shakes it out and then puts it on the couch.
He can count to 10. It is so funny when he counts! I try to video it but the minute he sees the video he wants to hold it.
Laying in bed at night he goes through everyones names in mine and Jake's family. Josh, Becca, Charlie, Jill, BoBo....etc...
He LOVES Kindermusik. Best thing I ever did for him. He always asks to go to class. He loves listening to the Kindermusik CD's and he has favorite songs on the CD. When we get in the car if he dosen't like the song he says "new one" until you find the song he wants. You can always find him randomly singing the songs he learned throughout the day.
He loves the carts at the store that have the car on the front end (thanks to whomever invented those..NOT) Anytime we pull up to a grocery store immediatly he says "i wanna drive" So I finally give in and everytime the cart stops he gets out.
When we drive by the Home Depot he yells "depot" is really funny!
He has to give Jake "bones" every night before he goes to bed.
He loves Nursery. He asks for it durning the week. He calls it "sursery". Whenever he gets his hands on the remote he pushes mute, folds his arms, closes his eyes and pretends he is saying a prayer.
He loves to swing. Sometimes I avoid our backyard just so he won't see the swing and want to spend all day out there:) (rude, i know)
We sure do love our little guy and we love to see what he comes up with each day! We are excited to add another little boy to our family - they are going to be such good friends!
Yay! Another Boy! They will be such GREAT friends. I Love that I had 2 boys close together. They are best buds and yours will be too! Congrats!
isn't this just such a fun age. I am loving it with Adlanna!
mom I want to get out. LOL that cracked me up, when are you moving him to a toddler or big guy bed?
Adlanna loves hers since we have to have the crib avaliable... :)
What a little cutie! He is doing such fun stuff right now
So much Fun Teylor. Walker seems like he has mastered a lot! He is so cute and I can't wait to see what this next little mauss baby looks like!! the Mauss family seems to be really good at having baby boys! Good thing there are so many cute ones! You guys are great glad to hear you are doing well. Oh and the tantrums..... ya those sound familiar. I am so scared for this baby to come. My friend had a baby a few weeks ago and brought her to my house and Rhett went over to her when I was holding her and pushed her. Man, I have my hands full! We need to get together soon! Seriously lets do dinner in the next 3-4 weeks!
i love and miss my little walkie talkie!
That little Walker is such a cutie!
TAYLOR!! its been about 7 years, 4 months, and 36 days since we last had spoken, let alone embraced. but i ran into a girl at my work and her name is taylor mauss! for some reason i got a burst of missing you guys when we used to all work under one building. but how the heck are you guys?? just wanted to say i thought about ya yesterday:)
what a darling family you guys are!
i haven't really blogged as of late but just checked yours out and wanted to say... Hi! ,Congrats on boy #2, you will love it! and I hope that all is well!
doesn't time and life just kinda fly by? i feel like the last time i saw you two you were just cute newlyweds! sheesh!
wow his is getting so big!!
hey Tey! The crib is still available! Do you want it?! Cory just repainted it too! It's a cute crib I am a little sad to part with it. I used it for all my kids! If you want to keep it red I can give you more paint just incase you need to touch up anything! Let me know! call me 636-1155 or 331-8070
hi Teylor It's me again.. he he anyway, I just put a special little offer on my photography blog and was wanting you to go check it out so that you can try to win a free session! You can do it for your new baby if you win or later in the year! take a guess missy!!!
I didn't even know that you were pregnant again! Congratulations. Walker is so cute!
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