Walker is too funny...he pushes this stroller around the house and has to have a bag on his back. I guess he sees me with my diaper bag and he wants one too!!
We got in Grammy and Papa's hot tub on Christmas Eve! SO FUN!
Santa came to our house. Walker LOVED opening presents and he was so excxited to see his train table. Still to this day he will say "mom! I got a train table from Santa!"
We took Walker to his first Jazz game. We were in the upper bowl and then ended up in the lower bowl next to Jake's sister. He liked it better down there! (don't we all??)
Then this cute guy came! We sure do LOVE him! He has been such a great baby:) Walker has done really great too. Although...we have been trying to keep the two away from eachother... Walker has basically been sick since the day I got home from the hospital. We have been to the Doctor 4 times in the last 4 weeks! Bronchilitis, Sinus Infection, Croup, and then some random virus! Luckily he is finally on the mend!! We have been so lucky that Hayes has not gotten sick yet. :)
Our renters move out in two weeks and then the basement is OURS! we are excited! Since we have been married we have only lived in 900 sq feet or less! It's going to feel like we live in a mansion!! WAHOO! Can't wait to get all the toys downstairs and not in my living room!!