Thursday, January 31, 2008

Grandpa Jack

Jack Hamlin Walker
Jack Hamlin Walker 1915 ~ 2008 Jack Walker, age 92 died on January 28, 2008 in Sandy. He was born on May 23, 1915, in San Diego to Rowland and Marion Walker. He married Edith Roncarati on July 1, 1939, in Burlingame, CA. Jack was an avid sports and outdoorsman. He was a pioneer Utah skier who worked on the construction of Ecker Hill, site of numerous world-class ski jumping events. During the '30s he was a class "A" ski jumper. He remained an active skier until he was 89 competing in many of the locally sponsored events and often winning in his class. He was a member of the Wild Bunch, but his closest skiing companion, from age 10 on, was his friend Vern Nichol. Jack had a passion for Western history and poetry written by Kipling, Service and Noyes. He reveled in the lives of men like Jedadiah Smith, Jim Bridger and in many ways he was a Mountain Man trapped in the 20th Century. Jack is survived by his wife of 69 years, Edith, two daughters, Judith (Stephen) Lea Vell of Alamo, CA; Pamela Hamon of Long Island, NY; four sons, David (Tina) of Sandy, UT; Michael (Michelle) of Sandy UT; John (Rose) of River Falls, WI; Steven (Laural) of Logan, UT; ten grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. There will be a vigil and rosary at Cottonwood Mortuary, 4670 South Highland Dr., Thursday Jan. 31, from 6-8 p.m. The funeral mass will be on Friday, Feb. 1, at 10:30 a.m., Blessed Sacrament Parrish, 1745 East 9800 So. Sandy. Friends may call one hour before. Jack will be interred at Holladay Memorial Park. SINNER THAT I HAVE BEEN, HEAVEN HAS REJECTED ME AND HELL CAN'T WAIT TO GET ME. BUT, WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER I'LL SKI THERE TOO!
I lost my grandpa on Monday night, and will miss him very much! His sweet spirit and excitement for life was contageous. He was a great skier and I wish that I had the opportunity to ski with him one more time. We love you grandpa!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bitter Sweet

When Jake and I heard the news of the passing of President Gordon B Hinckley we were both in shock! I thought he was lying to me because I really couldn't believe it. I know that time here on earth ends for everyone at sometime, but I don't think that I was ready for Him to take President Hinckley. Being a recent convert to the church, President Hinckley has been the only prophet that I have known. I feel so lucky and blessed to have been a member of this church while he was the prophet. He carried with him so many qualities that we all strive for each day. He truly was a man of God and was led by revelation. He stood by this church, no questions asked. He made everything seem so simple and I hope to be like him one day. Although it is sad and hard for us down here on earth, I am sure he is rejoicing as he is back with his sweet wife Majorie. One thing that I remember and love about President Hinckley is his "wave" with his cane. I remember being at the Christmas program a few years ago at the Conference Center and President Hinckley was there. He came into the room, it was silent, and he raised his cane to say hello to the audience. It brought tears to my eyes to know that I was in the same room as the Prophet of this true church. I am grateful for all he has done for this church and all of his hard work in building temples. I know that the temple is one of the most important things on this earth and he has helped others to see that! He will be truly missed.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Little Pimp!

My mom gave him this outfit for Christmas - it is velour and a one-piecer. He was wearing it the other day and "chillin" in his bouncer. He loves to put his arms over the side toys and watch TV. He reminded me of a little pimp chillin in his chair watching his shows! Isn't he cute?!?

I Love Biter Biscuts

Can you tell - he can't get enough of them. I give him one while he sits in his walker and I come back a few minutes later and this is what he looks like! He needs a bath!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rough Week for Us!!

Well, the new year was starting off great!! A fun trip to Bear Lake, fun games, and good times with a bunch of friends but then last Thursday Walker was acting really clingy, and mostly sad. I was worried he had a cold because his nose was a little runny and he had a slight cough - although the cough at times I just thought was him choking on milk - he does that a lot!! So on Friday I decided to take him into the doctors office just so I wouldn't worry about him over the weekend. Well - Good thing I did. He had an ear infection and the starts of a pretty bad cold. My doctor told me to watch him closely over the weekend because she was worried it would turn into RSV. (oh great!!) So I got medication for his ear and decided that we would stay in for the weekend to see if he could recover quick from this. Oh boy - Sunday came he seemed worse to me. He had a deep, wet cough - I would describe it as a smokers cough. His nose was constantly runny and from 5pm Saturday until about 3pm Sunday had had only had 4 ounces of milk. I was worried he was dehiderated and his breathing was fast. On top of it all the medicine gave him diarrah. Poor guy! So I called my doctor at home on Sunday and she told me to bring him into the office and the on call doctor would check him out. At the office there were 4 patients there - walker being one of them. The other 3 were rushed up to Primarys because they had to be put on oxygen because they all had RSV. It was so sad, the patient across the hall from us was a 5 week old baby and he was crying so hard and coughing I wanted to cry. I felt really bad for the mother but realized how lucky we were that Walker was no where near that bad. Walker was crying the entire time at the doctors office and they gave him a breathing treatment and it didn't seem to work. The on call doctor thought for sure he had RSV, but was border line for needing oxygen. Luckily his oxygen levels were great!! Jake and I were still worried (being the first time parents that we are) so the doctor suggested we go to Primarys and have an RSV test done and get some IV fluids in him. We headed up there and the ER waiting room was full of children - most all on oxygen- because they had RSV. Once we got checked in they cleaned out his nose and used that for the RSV testing. While we waited for the results Walker ate 4 ounces of milk - Jake and I were so relieved that he was finally eating!! The test came back positive - so we were just told to do what we were already doing - motrin, tylenol, humidafier, blue ball is sad there isn't any medicine that you can give them that will help control the nasty cough. Monday came and I was still worried about him - he was still so fussy. I took him in again ( I know, I know) but I was so glad because my doctor is the best!! She told me what I wanted to hear - the time line of this cold, what to expect now that it was RSV, and she felt like he was on the downslope of this nasty cold. She rechecked his ears and told me that his left one had cleared up but the right one looked like it had some infection but the medicine was helping that one too. She also noticed 2 more teeth right on the surface. She reassured be that he was going to be ok and wouldn't let me leave until she knew I felt good about it. Then to top that off she called me last night to check on Walker. If anyone is looking for a great doctor for your kids Dr Ring at Wasatch Peds is the BEST.
Well, today Walker seemed better - I don't have to blue ball suction as often and he looks like he is drying up!! That is great news. He still has a nasty cough, but she told me that would last for at least another week. Needless to say I have been homebound for the last 6 days - but I am glad that Walker is doing better. Poor guy he has had diarreah, double ear infection, teething, and RSV all in one week! I just want my little happy, giggly, funny guy back!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008 a nutshell!

Can you really believe the holiday season is already over?!? I always look forward to this time of year and then before you know it - it's GONE! Well, to be honest, I am glad! It was a crazy one for us! We are so blessed and lucky to have such great families to spend the holidays with. We took a few pictures along the way - so here is what we have been up to!

Walker's first Christmas! He had a ball, but was tired by the end of the day!

Christmas Eve at Grandma Mauss'. It is tradition to go there and eat dinner. We all bring a $10.00 gift for exchange. It is always a really fun time!
This year at Grandma Mauss' all of the kids dressed up and we did a little nativity play. It was SO CUTE! I had to post this picture of our neice Annie, she was Mary. Jackson was a shepherd and Charlie was a wiseman. It was SO CUTE!
Christmas Day starts bright and early at my mom's house - 8:00am! (yeah lets hope that ends soon!) But it is always so much fun! My mom is like a kid - she just loves it! This is Whitney, Tony, Walker and Ashton. As the kiddies get older - it is going to be so much fun!

We then head to Jake's parents house. Walker gave Charlie a spiderman outfit - he loved it! As you can see he has the moves for it too!!

Last but not least - I think Jake's favorite gift - his ONE PIECER! He wears it to bed almost every night!!

Christmas is such a fun time of year. I think I really learned this year that I need to focus more on the meaning and not so much the shopping and running around. One of my favorite scriptures always reminds me of Christmas and I hope it will help you too Isaiah 9:6:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government

shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful,

Counsellor, The mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.